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Threads, knots & tangles

by CAROLINE THORNHAM I first picked up embroidery about a year ago, at a time when I was frequently feeling low and agitated. I was only...


by FENJA AKINDE HUMMEL A shiver passes through my body When I feel like it is not my own How many hand prints would there be If each...

When I lift weights

by DANI CUGINI i. Here is a set of words: object-body consciousness. Here is an equivalent set of words: we are taught to define...

I struggle with being a girl

by ELEANOR GRENDON because when I was eleven I found blood in my pants and was scared that the kids at school would find out. I heard...

Margarita the Witch

by JOANNA BANASIK There is something very liberating in imagining Margarita as a witch flying on a broom above a night-time Moscow. She...


by ZAHRA SEYYAD I come from brains, from bravery I was born resilient, resisting - tied to the rebellion. From a home where I am...

Growing up and out

by ILA CORCORAN I honestly had high hopes for 2017. I was turning 19 in July, I felt like a semi-adult, and I was in the midst of my...

This Language Has Teeth

by HELENA FOX It is 2015. I am tidying my room to a gentle soundtrack – BBC Radio iPlayer. ‘The Misogyny Book Club’, Episode 2. “There...

On Being Ill

by EMILY ROBB “Illness is the night side of life, a more onerous citizenship. Everyone who is born holds dual citizenship, in the kingdom...


by ISLA THEIS ANDERSON When you find yourself shattering one of the two good fists you were given against a wall, not towards any agenda,...

SHE Choir

by LOLA KARPF I recently got back from a retreat in January with my big sister – but before ghastly images of awkward spiritual classes,...

Interview: Josie Long

Interview by RHIANNON MELLIAR-SMITH Who was your feminist idol at university? Gosh, i was a bit crap. I really didn't get a handle on...

On Studying Art

by EMILY TUTTLEBURY A room full of new people poses a strange tension for an artist. A party, careers evening, a date; I am asked what I...

poem by Eliza Bacon

in the moment after a shower a mirror is my canvas. my gaze is mine. with hands clasped above my head i am an arrow stretching upwards...

Alone in Norway

by ELLIE WOLVERSON In the middle of September I boarded a plane to Oslo with 42 freeze dried meals, 4 kg of dried fruit, 28 mars bars and...

Disordered Eating & Invisibility

by DAISY CARTER I have never, in my conscious memory gone a day without thinking about fatness. I'm not sure I ever go much more than an...

Self Portrait in a Straw Hat

by CHARLIE MORGAN As a woman artist, Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun had much to prove. She was working within the French Académie tradition,...

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